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ICEPLANET team 2020
NB: some adjustements might occur until this summer
Eric De mena
Due to COVID situation, some changes will occur in the team. ICEPLANET will offer the best experience possible, be sure of it
Camp director
Camp director,
Head coach at BKK Bergen, Norway
BEES2 skating (International level of European coaching),MBA in Sport Science & Psychology. National french team (junior & senior international level).
Sara Esaian
Ballet- dance- Choreography
Maciek Kus
jumps technic
Neil Brown
Kristi Neeme
Physical therapist- Physio
Esther Iruretagoiena
Jump technic- Spins- Choreo
Patrick Capmartin
guest coach/ Observer for FCB
Marta Andrade
guest coach/ Observer for FCB
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